Thursday, June 12, 2014

Minimise The Ribbon

This article is applicable only to Excel 2007 and later versions where Microsoft Office fluent Interface (aka Ribbon) is implemented. Ribbon replaced the earlier menus and it is quite handy.

There is no way to delete or replace the Ribbon with the toolbars and menus to appear like earlier versions of Microsoft Office. However, you can minimize the Ribbon to make more space available on your screen. When you minimise ribbon, tabs are visible but not the options under those tabs.

Ribbon When Visible

Ribbon When Minimised

Minimising ribbon shows few rows more in the sheet than when it is visible. However, you can still use all the key board shortcuts to do your job. You can also click any tab once when the Ribbon is minimised to get the ribbon temporarily visible.

How to Minimise Ribbon

Easiest Way

Just press Ctrl and F1 together. The Ribbon is gone until you press the same combination again.

Easy Way

With the mouse pointer, double click the active tab name. For example, if Home tab is activated, double click on the word Home. Double click on any active tab again to get the Ribbon back.

Long Way
Click on Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) drop down button.
In the drop down, click on More Commands… In the dialogue box that opens up, select All Commands in Choose commands from dropdown. Locate Minimize the Ribbon in box that is below the dropdown and click Add >>. Click OK.

Now you should be able to see a new button added to your QAT.

Click on the button to minimise the ribbon or make it visible.


Copy the code below to a code window and execute. That should minimise the ribbon. Run again to make it normal.
Sub HideRibbon()
    CommandBars.ExecuteMso "MinimizeRibbon"
End Sub
VBA Way 2

Copy below code and paste in a code window. Go to Excel and run macro from View > Macros (i.e. not from the code window directly)
Sub HideRibbon()
    Application.SendKeys ("^{F1}")
End Sub