Thursday, April 3, 2014

Apply Page Setup To Multiple Sheets

Many a times, I adjust the Excel’s page setup default values for borders, header & footer to suit my printing needs. However if I add a new sheet to the workbook, Excel default page setup options will be set for that sheet. I have to change the settings of new sheet to suit my needs. This process repeats for each sheet I add. So, if I want to apply the same page setup to new sheet or few other sheets in the same file, how to quickly do this? You can achieve this by following the steps below.

Select the sheet where you already have your page setup values changed, then press down Ctrl key, click all the other sheets you want this setup to be applied.

In Excel 2007 or later

Click on Page Layout tab > Page setup group > Click on the small arrow that is at the right bottom of the group, this arrow will be under Print Titles button.

If you are using Excel 2010, you can also click on File tab > Print > Page Setup

When the Page Setup dialogue box opens up, just click OK. This applies the first selected sheet’s options to all the Ctrl clicked sheets.

Excel 2003 or earlier

File menu > Page Setup

When the Page Setup dialogue box opens up, just click OK. This applies the first selected sheet’s options to all the Ctrl clicked sheets.